Writing Workshop: Prose, All Forms.
Writing Workshop: Prose, All Forms.
Six Weeks to Boost and Power Your Writing Practice
Service Description
This six-week, online Zoom-based workshop has a focus on looking at your writing and offering ways to revise, to make your work-in-progress as strong as it can be. All participants will have the opportunity to share work and receive detailed feedback and suggestions. The goal of workshop is to support writers from rough draft to increasingly polished manuscript pages, ending with ideas for ongoing revision. Participants will: *Meet for six Sundays, online, at 10:30 AM Pacific time (west coast) * find an active, supportive audience for work-in-progress * share work-in-progress * read work aloud; if reading your work to others is a new practice, you will gain experience and confidence. (You can do it!) * write and revise, while clarifying creative goals * work from a point of identifying strengths and building forward from those strengths * learn methods for offering constructive critique of the work of others, through developing a shared understanding of creative and perhaps aesthetic values *consider the markets * come away with ideas for revision and insights regarding work-in-progress * strengthen a sense of how an audience hears or comes to understand the work in question Discount Option: $525 for those who have taken previous classes of any kind with me. Space is limited. *If the cost is prohibitive and you're really psyched to participate, please always feel free to contact me and we can talk, see if we can sort something out. monicadrake@monicadrake.com

Cancellation Policy
Not generally refundable--though I do strive to make everyone happy. Seriously, I do.